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Negative Space in Photography: When Less Means More

Great photographs don’t always have complicated compositions with lots of elements. Sometimes, the best photos have simple, straightforward compositions, in which the viewer can immediately identify the subject and then get lost in the space around it. They produce a meditative state that makes the viewer spend more time with the photograph, trying to understand its subtlety and unseen stories. …

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Explore Exposure Compensation

Exposure compensation is a functionality provided by most digital cameras, even by the cameras on smartphones. It allows you to overpower the camera’s exposure settings and make the photos look brighter or darker. Why would you want to do this when your camera is perfectly capable of evaluating the lighting of a scene and setting the right exposure? Well, because …

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Capture the Holidays Spirit in Your Photographs

Holidays are great opportunities to practice photography. First, you have plenty of exciting subjects nearby. Then, you benefit from a unique atmosphere, family reunions, colorful outfits, and delicious food. Holidays bring together textures, colors, and patterns. Moreover, they reveal feelings and emotions and provide endless stories for you to photograph. And we are not talking just about Christmas lights. Any …

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The Effects of Light Direction for Landscape Photography

The quality of your landscape photos depends on the quality of available sunlight. However, it’s not always possible to choose a day with better weather conditions or a different time of the day to take photos. Sometimes you just have to work with the given sunlight and make the best of it. Knowing the light direction of your landscape at …

5 Reasons to Choose Nature Photography

Nature photography connects the photographers with the environment and allows them to present the world as it is. Many focus on the unseen or overlooked parts of the world, such as tiny insects or remote locations. Others focus on the damage people make to their planet. However, all nature photographers reveal the beauty of nature, its remarkable strengths, and the …

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5 Tips for Better Food Photography Compositions

Food photography is a trendy genre. There are plenty of food photos on social media, culinary blogs, and lifestyle magazines. Stock photo libraries also provide a wide variety of photographs of food. But are they as diverse and unique as you might think? Probably not. The truth is that many of them are taken from the same angles (e.g., above …

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The Effects of Light Color for Landscape Photography

It may be hard to believe but sunlight has color and you have to consider it as an active element of your compositions. During the day, the sunlight goes from shades of icy blue and violet before sunrise to shades of pink, orange, and gold after the sunset and then slowly goes to white by midday. In the afternoon, sunlight …

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How to Create a Beautiful Bokeh Effect with a Smartphone Camera

The quality of the Bokeh effect depends on the quality of the lens you use. Expensive lenses provide large apertures and help you achieve a shallow depth of field. Furthermore, you can choose the focal length of the lens and switch between wide-angle and telephoto lenses whenever you want. They also create round-shaped patterns of out-of-focus highlights that blend smoothly. …

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Remove Unwanted Objects Using Affinity Photo

Although it’s easy to fall into the traps of excessive photo editing, sometimes post-processing is the only way to save an awkward framing or uninspired composition. And the most common example is having unwanted elements in the frame. Outdoor photography is unpredictable, and you can’t always control what happens when you press the shutter release. Street photography is about capturing …

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How to Prepare Your Photos for Printing

While your photos may look amazing on your computer’s screen, chances are they don’t look the same on paper. Printing has its own set of parameters you need to consider such as paper’s characteristics (thickness, size, orientation), printer’s color matching, ICC profiles, and so on. However, if you use a professional printing service, you don’t have to manage all these …