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How to Take Good Coffee Photos

There are plenty of reasons to take coffee photos. Maybe for your Instagram feed to share with your followers a lifestyle, habit, feeling, or state of mind. You may be shooting stock photo libraries or prints. It may be to showcase your latte art skills or promote your café or coffee shop. It may be simply to showcase your commercial …

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What Makes a Good Photograph?

We constantly try to improve our workflow, invest in more advanced photo gear, and, in the end, take better photos. We read photography books, take classes, and try every tip we can find. When we are satisfied with our work or need feedback, we share our photos on social media or submit them to photo competitions. The results are often …

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How to Use Batch Processing when Editing Photos

Photo editing provides everything from minor photo retouches to outstanding effects. It helps you prepare photos for printing, sharing on social media, or submitting to photo contests. It also enables you to create a personal and cohesive artistic style. Although you can excessively edit your photos and ruin them, most of the time, your photos will benefit from post-processing. However, …

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How to Prepare a Photo Session

Regardless of your preferred photographic genre, whether the subject is posing for you or you rely on candid snapshots, you need to prepare your photo sessions. Some sessions may be more complex than others and require more planning, but even the most straightforward and casual photo sessions require some thought. So here is how to prepare a photo session efficiently. …

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How to Use Mist Filters in Your Photography

Photographers use filters all the time, whether UV or polarizing filters or more artistic ones, for good reason. Filters are small and affordable optic devices able to enhance color or contrast, alter luminosity, or add a particular effect at the moment of shooting. Not only do you get to see the result instantly, but you also don’t need to spend …

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How to Capture Warm Weather in Your Photographs

It’s summer, it’s sunny, it’s warm. It’s the perfect weather for taking photographs. Nonetheless, your photos don’t seem to capture the warmth and look like they could be taken in any other season. The viewer should instantly know these are summer photos and immerse in the hot summer atmosphere. Whether you shoot indoors or outdoors, the following tips will help …

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How to Prepare the Photographer for Photo Competitions

Photo competitions are a good way to get your photos out there and become more than a hobbyist. Even if you don’t win, which will probably happen in the beginning, you can prepare for enrolling, evaluate the competition, and maybe receive feedback. The process helps you move from the ‘I sometimes take pictures’ mindset to the ‘I am a photographer’ …

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Tips to Build Confidence in Your Photography

Back in the day, it was easy to spot a photographer: they were the only ones who had cameras. Nowadays everyone has a camera and speaks proudly about their photographs. Furthermore, photography may be a full-time job or an artistic expression. Receiving money for your photos isn’t the only thing that makes one a professional photographer. While taking a photo …

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Resize a Photograph using a Mobile Device.

We won’t get into the reasons for resizing a photograph because there are so many. But even if resizing is considered one of the most common photo editing actions, many people struggle with it. Why? We are used to having devices that can take high-quality photos (e.g., smartphones, tablets, compact cameras, etc.) without much effort. We know how to apply …

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How to Change Image File Format on iPhone and iPad

Most people don’t bother changing the default settings of their mobile devices and letting them decide the image file format, among other things. However, when they want to create an online portfolio, submit to a photo competition, or share photos on social media, they hit a wall: their upload is rejected. The image size complies with the website’s requirements, but …